AutomatorWP WP Job Manager

AutomatorWP WP Job Manager is a powerful automation tool that streamlines job listing processes on your WordPress site. This intuitive plugin allows you to automate job publish, expire, or delete actions based on specific triggers and conditions. With AutomatorWP WP Job Manager, you can save time and effort by setting up automated workflows for your job listings, ultimately improving efficiency and user experience on your site.

Key features:

- Automate job listing publication based on triggers like user actions or schedules

- Set up automatic job expiration based on specific conditions

- Streamline job deletion process with automated actions

- Easy-to-use interface for creating and managing automation rules

- Enhance user experience by ensuring seamless job posting and management process

AutomatorWP WP Job Manager
Wordpress Plugins | Automatorwp | Preview
  • Author AutomatorWP
  • Tested Compatibility Version 1.0.2
  • Required WP Version 4.4
  • Requires PHP Version Not found

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